A Little sister sets a big goal
Goal: Earn $7,000 to train a service dog for her brother Ben with Autism.
Typically family goals are set by the parents, however while visiting the Riverwalk in San Antonio recently, my husband and I had the pleasure of meeting 8 year old Mattie, who has not only set a huge goal for herself, but is determined to meet it!
Mattie, with her mother close by, asked us if we would be interested in buying a Benny Bear. I looked in her little red bin filled with various pipe-cleaner critters and was intrigued by what a Benny Bear was.
Mattie continued to tell us that she makes and sells the bears because she is trying to earn enough money to get a service dog trained for her older brother who has severe autism. Her goal is to reach $7,000.00 in order to cover the cost.
As we were purchasing a bear and a spider for the cause, they mentioned that Mattie had been featured in a news story last year for her efforts and a dog was donated to the family. Unfortunately, the cost to have the dog trained was too much for the family to afford. They continue to sell the Benny Bears and hope to be able to train the dog as soon as possible.
How does this tie into having a parenting plan?
Well, sometimes we can overlook the ambitious goals of our children. We are busy and tired. Mattie's mom however, is not only supporting her daughters efforts, but teaching her life lessons and a "can do" spirit that she will carry with her as she becomes an adult.
How can we incorporate the goals our kids have into our bigger parenting plan?
As far as Mattie is concerned...
Never underestimate the goal setting power of a determined little sister! I am confident that she will reach her goal!
You can check out Mattie's news story here on KENS-5 , or donate to the GoFundMe "Service Dog for Ben" account here.
Photos and story printed with Mattie and her mothers permission.