People Watching 101 for Parents
People-watching can be more than just a way to pass time while you are waiting in public.
You may observe an incident that gives you a quick note to self for your parenting, or it may be a larger issue that you decide needs some attention in your own family.
Observation – an act or instance of viewing or noting an occurrence for
some scientific or other special purposes.
Parenting is happening all around us in public…
People around the world have behavior and interactions on display that we can learn from. Take a closer look and notice what is happening in a particular situation.
Are the parents…
How are they interacting with their kids?
Are their methods effective?
Would you do things the same way or differently?
Learn from what you see.
Take away good ideas for your own parenting, and leave behind what is not effective.
Do you see a family helping an elderly person cross the street? Maybe you would like to teach your kids to do the same.
Do you see a parent repeating directions over and over while the kids continue making bad choices? Maybe you realize you repeat the same things and it’s time for a new strategy.
Do you see parents jogging with their kids? Maybe you have thought you would like to bike ride more as a family, but you keep putting it off. How can you get started?
Parenting is also happening in the shows we watch, the movies we see and the plays we attend.
I recently watched an episode of the Dick Van Dyke Show, Happy Birthday and Too Many More where Rob and Laura Petrie felt obligated to throw an outrageous party for 63 kids at a local amusement park because that is what all the other parents were doing.
This is a funny over-exaggeration, but even on a smaller scale, many parents feel pressure to host big expensive parties for their kids.
Do you have a birthday plan for your kids? This episode may entice you to create one.
How many kids will you invite?
Where will the parties be located?
How long will the parties last?
The Middle is a great show for parents as well. If there isn’t a parenting takeaway, there is at least something in each episode you can relate to and laugh at as a parent.
The Middle’s, This Isn’t your Brother’s Drop Off episode showcases the father (Mike) trying to squeeze in all the “adulting” life lessons he can before they take (Sue) to college.
From balancing a checkbook to taking care of spiders he is overwhelming her with all the lessons.
Have you thought to spread out important adult lessons over time so you are not doing it the last few weeks before your kids leave home? What topics would you like to start teaching them?
Money management?
Changing a car tire?
These are just two examples of thousands of fictional scenarios that can give you ideas for your parenting.
Movies, plays, and books can all help you to observe parenting and gain wisdom for your parenting journey!
People watching isn’t just for entertainment anymore!
It can enhance your Parenting Plan!
Observe it! Note it! Parent it!
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